петък, 27 юни 2008 г.

PS1 -Weapons, Dreams, Flags

This entire show was awesome!
Also Olafur Alliasson's "Take your Time" and "Arctic Histeria- State of Being"!!!

Three days Chelsea openings

The over all theme in most Chelsea openings right now I noticed is in context to children, community and future. A few representations of Korean art in a couple of galleries. "The Future as Disruption" was an exhibit I thought was interesting,  at gallery "The Kitchen". The exhibit consisted mainly of a video installation, small illustrations/vignettes and paintings. 
At Gladstone Gallery I saw the new work of Anish Kapoor. That show was impressive. I will go back again and visit it one more time since openings here are so difficult to walk through.. if the gallery is good I mean.
Be sure to go on www.chelseaartgalleries.com to view some information on the thousand of galleries and their openings there. Just so you know a lot were not very good!

сряда, 25 юни 2008 г.

New Museum

Paul Chan's  "The 7 Lights" - the current exhibition at the New Museum on Bowery Street. Beautiful video installations with a very distinct repetitive rhythm. Each piece is connected to the seven days of creation. Video installations, drawings and collages are part of this exhibit. There is the link if you wan tto see each video online, but you can not experience it fully. The ratio of each projected on the floor is about 5 x 7 feet.www.newmuseum.org and just click on current and than click on view online. 
On the second floor the exhibit was interesting. Yet as Chan's installations had a very universal approach the work by Steven Shearer and DAniel Guzman had more of a personal/ ironic narrative attached. And yes, the scull reference is getting boring.. 

понеделник, 23 юни 2008 г.

Day 1

It is a city of immigrants and most of them speak bulgarian! Pretty awesome.I get to talk to some especially when you have 1:30 hours of train ride every morning... and I love it! 
I have not been able to visit many galleries yet.. only "Eyebeam" in Chelsea. It is a very cool gallery, as they express, making a link between art and technology. The current show there is named " Tourists and Travelers" as New York is major tourist spot in the Summer. It is a pretty interesting show... Here is their website if you are not already familiar: www.eyebeam.org 
Tomorrow I will visit a lot of places and hopefully will write a lot more.
All of my enormous curved paintings were delivered successfully!